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What will your home become with a wee bit of imagination?

Your own house on canvas on the wall of your own house? I can create that for you!
Below here you see how this works and you can read about all the details.
Four phases:

Phase 1: Introduction and sketch phase


Phase 2: Basic elaboration phase    


Phase 3: Detail elaboration phase; Ambience phase


Phase 4: Completion phase


Also nice as a gift: the old house or new house on the wall!
A special building inland or abroad? That is also an option. Or maybe a handmade drawing ?
Of course I add some of my imagination to all houses for a surreal effect.
Phase 1






























In the first phase there is an introduction between you and me.
I tell about the phases and you tell something about the house:

Which side of the house you would like to see and whether there is a specific reason for this.
For example: you would like to see the garden side because "I'ts my favorite spot". Or: The front, "I think that is the most beautiful side."

Also, objects that are always at your house, such as a table, plants or a flower pot, make your house unique.
I would also like to include this in the drawing.
Maybe you bought the house because there is a beautiful old tree?

With your permission, I then take a few photos of the house to be able to copy the house. If possible, I consult Google Streetview.

We are also talking about the
fantasy side of your house:

Maybe you have a connection with
a famous building? For example
the sleek iron Eiffel Tower? Or
a romantic old stone castle?
I can merge your house with that
I also did that in the example
right here. For that drawing i took the
Maunsell Forts as reference:
a couple of rusty industrial-tower-legs.
If you are unsure about this: do not 
worry. In this phase we'll have a talk 
about it.

Maybe you have a specific location in

Maybe you've always wanted a house on the beach? Or is your house under water, in the snow, in a blooming flower field, a ghost forest or in a tropical jungle?
Do note: the location will be less detailed than the house. After all, this is about your house.

The sketching takes about an hour to four hours, depending on circumstances & inspiration and is preferably done on site.

Foto door Russ Garrett

If we agree on the sketch and we'd love to continue working together, I ask you to read and sign my terms and conditions, assignment agreement ( in which i have spelled out what i'm going to create for you) and the quotation.
This way we can be sure that we are aligned and we prevent miscommunication.

Phase 2

Hooray! So the sketch has been approved! We made it to the next round!

Here the first bit of actual drawing will be executed.
I'm going to work with colors, shadows and atmosphere to give your house that little bit extra in shape.
At the end of this phase you will have a basic idea of what your house will look like.

I hereby ask you as a client to look past the rough appearance. Adding details will happen in the next phase.
Rather look at what's already there.
Whicht is mainly the color and the atmosphere. Is it too cheerful? too dark? too blue?
In other words: Does the drawing suit your house?

Working out attributes, such as a railing, planter or awnings will be happening in the next phase and takes the longest.

Before we get started with phase 3
I would like to receive the payment for
the invoice of Phase 2.

Phase 3

This is the elaboration phase in which I provide details.
The images on the left show how a work gets more and more details, feeling and depth.
This phase takes me four to five times more time than the basic elaboration fase.
 I check every detail twice, change some colors, adjust some shapes and alter the perspective. I also google for
references: the appearance of certain
objects, such as pulleys or awnings, take time.

The duration of the elaboration depends strongly on the format. With format A, 40 x 30 cm, this can be six hours.
Since there is more detail to be added in a work of a larger size, 80 x 60 cm, this phase might take me up to 10 hours.

So finishing takes about six to ten hours.
This does not include drawing a detailed environment.

Do know that an artist runs not only on energy but also on inspiration. Unfortunately I cannot give an exact durating of this phase.

Stage 4

The final stage.
You will now receive a receipt for phase 3 including the price of printing and sending.
When I have received your payment, I will have the work printed at Albelli on canvas.
Then it will be on it's way to your home!

The work in the example has a size of 50 x 70 cm.



Curious about a house on canvas? Request a free quote via the contact page!

Every assignment is different, so I cannot guarantee a fixed price.

Sizes & Printing

I print the canvases professionally at
I have a lot of good experience with them and I am extremely satisfied with the result.

Also nice to know: When ordering a canvas it includes a hanging system (a bracket on the back).
You can also choose to frame your canvas.
An example of the prices and sizes is given below as an indication. Be aware that these might not be the most current ones.

Click here for more information about canvas printing at Albelli



Do you have any questions?
Send an email! I respond super fast!
You can find the contact details in the 'Contact' tab.

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